
Monday, January 23, 2012

12 Schools - 24 Hoops

A. L. Burruss Elementary: Coach Amber Tyler and Alb the Beaver.
(I'm pretty sure this will be my only photo-op, ever, with an over-sized stuffed beaver.)
Alphabet Hoops is focused on introducing kids to the joys and benefits of hula hooping. I do as much as I can with the time I have, but I have a family, a full-time job AND a penchant for crafting---all of which occupy a portion of the limited hours in my day.

So, to increase the number of kids that I reach, I also need to introduce hula hooping to adults who work with kids. To that end, my goal for 2012 is to donate two adult-sized hula hoops to the P.E. department of each of the 12 Marietta City Schools. (And, if the teachers are interested, each hoop handover will include a mini-introductory lesson to hooping!)

Check my donation tracking page for updates on my 2012 hoop donations to the Marietta City School system!

1 comment:

Dolly Dozier said...

My mother used to live in Marietta, and we have a great friend in Milledgeville ... and I'm on the lookout for independent bookstores or elementary schools that might be interested in hosting a HOOPLA and author signing for my new young chapter book: Peggy Noodle, Hula Hoop Queen. You can check me out at